Candy Club is a unique institution, distinguished as the only forest school in Pakistan to date. It is based on the NBECE, NBL, and Waldorf Education systems. Our goal is to provide enriching educational opportunities for children where the process of nurturing is natural and child centered. Since the founding, we have offered a number of innovative after school programs in many of the leading schools in Karachi.
Candy Club operates under an active board of directors along with a professional advisory board. Consistent with its mission to serve children with different educational organizations; with a vision of expanding their impact and the method of learning in the society, Candy Club has established an elementary school.
Nature Based
Nature-based education, championed by the Natural Start Alliance and the Children and Nature Network, emphasizes young children’s connection to nature and fosters environmental awareness. Candy Club is also an active member of NAAEE – North American Association for Environmental Education.
Waldorf Education
The independent school movement of Waldorf education includes over 120 schools in the US and more than 1000 globally. Through arts-integrated academics for children from preschool through high school that enhances and enriches learning, Waldorf education aims to inspire lifelong learning in all students and to enable them to fully develop their unique capacities.
Play School:
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”
The philosophy:
Ever observed the delightedness of a child when he has a candy to unwrap and have it? The focus, interest, involvement turns into an accomplishment and satisfaction of achievement. At Candy Club, which is founded on the principles of ‘nature and play’, learning is intertwined with enjoyment. The kids with us don’t graduate competing for good marks; instead they are encouraged to have a great heart. We want children to be children, which later would help them be good humans.
The approach:
At Candy Club every moment is a moment of discovery. Through the magic of our friendly forest to the cozy classrooms, the environment welcomes every kid. Learning is a response to the environment Natural facilitators elevate spirits with joy and activity, fostering an environment where children creatively engage in storytelling, singing, and puppetry. Lessons of language and wisdom of nature start children off their educational path. Children in our programs spend significant time outdoors. Research has demonstrated that active outdoor time fosters healthy social-emotional development, autonomy, helps to develop key learning skills related to executive function, and can be therapeutic in addressing attention deficit disorders. Being outdoors provide a wonderful context for inquiry-based and FASCP learning.
The curriculum:
Children at Candy Club play school are nurtured and developed across five fundamental pillars of life: Art, Science, Construction, Philosophy, and Farming. In integration they also receive a comprehensive foundation for school success, with explicit instructions in literacy, math and science.
Our developmentally NBL and NBECE appropriate curriculum also features FASCP:
· Farming – through plantation, taking care of animals & cooking.
· Art – through painting, clay modeling, designing, crafts.
· Science – though research & experiments.
· Construction – through wood art, building blocks and various other mediums.
· Philosophy – through storytelling, puppetry, and music.
All above mentioned features are integrated with the nature, play and exploration.
Steps towards future:
Children progressing through Candy Club’s play school journey, from playgroup to pre-nursery, nursery, and eventually elementary, benefit from a solid academic foundation, minds free to inquire and learn, bodies strong and able to work, hands ready to create, and hearts open to others and to the wonders of nature.